Javed Akhtar

Indian Revenue Service(it)

Cadre: Others

Rajan M

Indian Revenue Service(it)

Cadre: Tamil Nadu

Dr.manjunath Karkih

Indian Revenue Service(it)

Cadre: Others

Padma Angmo

Indian Statistical Service

Cadre: Others

Padmini Singla

Indian Administrative Service

Cadre: AGMUT

Lochan Sehra

Indian Administrative Service

Cadre: Gujarat

Dr G. Trinadh Kumar

Indian Forest Services

Cadre: AGMUT

Satyaprakash Tl

Indian Administrative Service

Cadre: Haryana

Himani Sarad

Indian Statistical Service

Cadre: Others

Saroj Kumar Dubey

Indian Revenue Service(it)

Cadre: Others

Yashovardhan Patha

Indian Revenue Service(customs And Central Excise)

Cadre: Others

Navraj Goyal

Indian Revenue Service(customs And Central Excise)

Cadre: Others