Officers Mess

The Officers’ Mess bring together a variety of cuisines, cultures, traditions, practices and beliefs. This fosters and nurtures the spirit of universal brotherhood and fraternity amongst the trainees. The Mess is mandated to achieve the highest standards in terms of decorum, conduct and services.

Officer Trainee's run the Officers’ Mess during Induction Training. The Mess Committee is drawn from amongst the Officer Trainees. It consists of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and five other members, who take steps to ensure adherence to the esprit-de-corps.

The Mess Committee functions under the guidance and supervision of the Director’s Nominee of the Officers’ Mess. It is assisted by a full time Mess Manager, Accountant, Store Keeper, and Supervisors. Our strength is the employees of the Officers’ Mess including cooks, helpers, table bearers, room bearers, sweepers and dishwashers.

The Committee has the mandate to organize formal and informal get-togethers either independently or in association with other clubs and societies. It celebrates special occasions, festivals etc. reflecting the hues and colors of India.


Last Updated:28-06-2024